Sources from Sarah Peterson

 Here are links to the files I've put together, you are welcome to access them! If you are looking for printed binder info, please email me at

Google Drive Links:

V's ->

C*vid ->


V-A-E-R-S ->

I've had multiple people ask me if they can make some sort of donation to cover some of my researching time. I do this because I have a passion for helping people, and the links above contain thousands of hours I've spent over the last 12 years trying to find and organize research that I pray will help you. Rather than taking donations, most of you know we also homestead! We have horses, goats, chickens, ducks, quail, turkeys, and other small animals. We moved across the country a couple years ago to get away from the craziness of the PNW. We gave away most of what we had to start over 2700 miles away in SE Ohio. We are loving it here but are staying busy trying to rebuild and get going again! 

If you would like to make a small gift to support our efforts, I'm going to link a public Amazon homesteading wishlist. Any of these things would put a smile on my face to receive! Thank you! 

Update: THANK YOU so much for your gifts! I was notified by Amazon that 3 people sent me something off of it. It put a HUGE smile on my face! I love that we can help each other! AMAZON list


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